Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Man in the next 1000 years

Man in the next 1000 years.

We are in the second decade of the 21st century and events are unfolding very fast. Man’s history is very long and as far as the written records are concerned, the man’s development as a civilized entity has been slow, due to the limited characteristic of the communication: news spread slowly around the world and the technological developments were fast compared to the civilizations of the time and but very slow as compared to nowadays. The climate and some geographical factors had important roles in the difference of development among the various civilizations which had proliferated all around the earth. Some of them disappeared through wars (the Abbasids who were destroyed by the Mongol armies) and pestilence (Aztecs who were decimated by the smallpox), even natural disasters (such as the civilizations of Atlantis and Crete).

The Western Civilization which started to overtake the world through the great achievements in various fields such as technology and economic development reached the zenith in 1928 by the means of exportation while controlling a great part of the known world through the colonies. But the two world wars put an end to this trend by the bankruptcy of the metropolitan powers and the emancipation of the subjugated people during the era of decolonization. Though the balance of power had shifted towards the east (Soviet Union) and to the west (United States), the fall of the Eastern Bloc and the rise of China and upcoming of Islam have started to redefine the conception of the balance of power in the world where new centers of power are emerging in the form of economic blocs.

For the time being, these economic blocs do not constitute a real political power in themselves for; their structure does not support the leitmotiv which should drive them. On paper, their strength is mighty but on the operational stage, they are weak, especially the Western Civilization where two major blocs have been constituted: NAFTA and the European Union. While the definition of the civilization has much to be desired in terms of reference, the cross-cultural interference between the major powers follows a pattern similar to the one that the world has come to know prior to the First World War: the speed of the economic growth was hampered by a dissimulated tariff war which in turn pushed the major powers to run after imperial objectives which inevitably produced a clash of the titans with the well known consequences.

Today, the aforementioned similarity is intriguingly disturbing because the balance of power is being destabilized through a hidden trade war between China and the West (mainly the United States). This state of the affairs will inevitably force the move towards new alliances where the West will enlarge itself by inviting Russia into NATO whereas the Islamic world will favor China. The latest developments in the race for rearmement have a tendency to confirm this and it will trigger a clash of arms which will be unparalleled in the history of the mankind.

Most probably, the conflict will embrace both sides of the Eurasia where we might see the clash of the two civilizations over the hinterland of the energy and natural resources. These two civilizations will namely be the West (North America, Europe and Russia) and the East (China and the Islamic world).

The direct consequences of such a clash will be the death of hundreds million of persons, the destruction of major cities and the spreading of the war between the 45th parallel and the Tropic of the Cancer as all the major energy sources lay between those two parallels. Subsequently, the Eastern powers will come to place their flags of the borders of the Danube and the Rhine with an open access to the Atlantic. The West will be confronted with a major political and military crisis which can be expected to be solved through the unification of the command under one great political leader who would repulse the enemy definitely.

Following the war, a new era will emerge where the political affairs will change dramatically up to a point where the world leaders will accept to transfer their gigantic powers to a centralized representative form of government in which the states will act as provinces. The root of this has been set in 2009 by the creation of G-20 and we also have the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) which was created in 1930. At the same time, the destruction of the production park will cause massive investments which in turn will lay the ground for a sustained long term economic growth and the reversal of the falling profit rates across various industries. Also, we would see a redefinition of the culture and the religion for, changes will occur in the Church: it will not survive the cataclysm in the way we know it and will have to reform itself on a new basis. This will mean a radical departure from its current state, thus a new church but the same religion.

The effect upon people will be far more different than anyone can expect. Every 26000 years, the solar system passes through the centre of the galaxy and the effect it exerts is so great that the genes of the mankind will change slightly, like it did before. We only need to look in the past in order to able to see these changes in the Neanderthal, the Cro-Magnon, the Homo Sapiens and the current Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Most probably, the new specie would be Homo Sapiens 3 who will evolve in a different fashion with more spiritual and intelligence abilities.

Due to this, the humanity will see a jump in science and technology which will solve most of the problems that the world has encountered over the millenniums and more importantly, people will consider each other not on the basis of religion and race but on the basis of knowledge and intellectual capacity. Moreover, the new concepts that will emerge concerning the sociopolitical matters will embrace the world with new ideas but will definitely lack the emotions that should drive them.

But this will come to an end by 2050 for until then, the humanity will again face major challenges such as a zero growth in the population and the starting of depletion of natural resources thus forcing a severe drop in the production of natural resources which will not meet the ever growing demand (Hubbert's peak) which in turn, will force them to confront each other once more but this time, while some other set of events may enter into play such as major upheavals. We may, quite tentatively, say that the humanity will be committed either into another major war, a natural upheaval or both. Whatever will this be, the result will be the almost quasi destruction of the human kind. This will be followed by the rethinking of men about the state of the conscious and the way they look at the world and most probably, the change of mind will occur then.

This area, which we could define as the Golden Age, will last 1000 years in an uptrend fashion until its final end in 3000. At that point, time will change and the mankind will start to revert to its old desires and problems. The ensuing downward trend will mark the end of the Golden Age and possibly a grim end of the mankind itself.

The more dramatic end of the mankind may be a global catastrophe that could be triggered from outside the earth, something similar that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The ensuing breakdown of the food chain will turn men into cannibals and the remaining men could be transported to other solar systems by the outer world civilizations that we still don't know anything about them as we are still killing each other instead of cooperating for the future of the mankind… 

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