Tuesday, 8 May 2012

how old is man

How old is man?


Man has always wondered how old is the man on this place we call earth; to be precise, he asked himself where his ancestors come from and he sought the answers in mainly two different areas: anthropology and religion. Since the early times of the human kind, man looked around to define his position on earth and for that matter, sought the aid of the stars and the nature. And for his most immediate past, he sought the memories of the older men in the clan which was transferred from one generation to the other. But, even with this process, one was limited to the extent of the knowledge it had about the real past of the mankind and with the advent of basic religion in around 50000 years B.C., that knowledge started to take shape in a form that moved towards its written form in 3000 B.C, commonly known as the holy books. With the development of the science and mainly the anthropology during the 18th and 19th century, man was able to answer the question regarding the age of the mankind. But, though the science has enlightened the question “how old is man?” in various forms, the conservative minded persons still rely on Holy Books in order to find the right answer. Under these circumstances,  we will try to answer this question by first asking to ourselves the age of the man according to the anthropology, followed by taking the point of view of the Holy Books on this matter, and finally to arrive to debate of the conservatives and the scientists on the matter.

I.             The age of the man according to the anthropology

1.   The term anthropology was first used in its proper sense by Emmanuel Kant who wrote one of the first majors treaties on anthropology, his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View which took him 25 years to write it but who begun teaching an annual course in anthropology in 1772. Anthropology is thus primarily an Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment endeavourer this movement evolved rapidly with the advent of colonialism and imperialism with the quest for the origins of the man. Charles Darwin wrote the book On the Origin of Species in 1859 where he postulated the theory of natural selection which in turn turned to become the basic mechanism of evolution from the 1930s to the 1950s. Thus, one would ask to itself when did the first man appear on earth or who is our first parental man and how old is he?

2.   The anthropology has many views on man as a whole but the main breakthrough it had was to solve the mystery of the age of the man on earth. Based on facts, the oldest man maybe as old as 7 million years. How old is the man depends on what one call “man”. The skull of a hominoid who lived 7 million years ago looks partly like a chimpanzee’s skull and partly like a human’s skull. Is that creature a man? No sharp line separates early apes from early men. Instead, it is a continuation whose nature we decipher from sparse fossil remains. Earliest men looked much like we do now; they walked on two legs as we do and by 3 million years ago, they were nearly as efficient walkers as we: their pelvises (round like a bowl for stable support) and feet (long and skinny with arches for strength) looked more like ours than a chimpanzee’s. Their heads were different from modern humans. Tiny brain cases (about a third our size) big faces, big teeth with thick enamel, large jaws, and powerful jaw muscles. How to tell if an early hominid was an early man? Walking upright is the hallmark. Apes first learned to walk on two feet and that allowed them to develop intelligence. Bipedality is the first critical criterion; the other thing would be a reduced canine (smaller than in other primates). If a creature meets these two conditions (walking upright and small canines) we define him to be a man.

3.   From here, we shall follow hominids forward and look at candidates for the “earliest man”, thus arrive to the answer to the question “how old is man?”

7 to 6 million years ago: Sahelanthropus tchadensis. This creature is a good candidate but we know too little yet about the species to be certain. The way the neck muscles attach to the skull indicates an upright walk and its teeth are more like ours (small canine).

6 million years ago: Orronin tugenensis. Though not a promising candidate but an early ape, it was perhaps bipedal and a tree climber. If it turns out that the creature was bipedal, then it would likely be the early man.

5.5 to 4.5 million years ago: Ardipithecus ramidus. It was possibly a bipedal and may have been a forest dweller thus a fair candidate as an early man.

4.2 to 3.0 million years ago: Australopithecines. This group of hominids was definitely bipedal, had small canine teeth and, therefore, were early men.

2.4 to 1.5 million years ago: Homo habilis. It was bipedal and similar to the australopithecines; definitely an early man and possibly able to talk.

So, the answer to this question would be: man is, maybe, as old as 7 million years old and surely, as old as 2.4. Million years.

II.           The age of the man according to the holy books.
1.   The Holy Books state that the first man came from heaven through a seed. Though they have been written in the past, the writers did not differ too much about the past of the man, thus his age. From the first civilizations of the Mesopotamia (Sumer, Assyria) and the Nile region (Ancient Egypt) and the first holy book (the book of the dead) to the most recent holy book (the Quran), people have always stipulated as to the origin of the man and to his age. This task was left to the priesthood who preferred to simplify the matters by sticking to a theory they came up with, which placed the man in a relatively short period of time in the human history inside the books but sufficiently long enough to endure the passage of time due to the lack of knowledge until the Renaissance period, by stating that Adam was the first man who was sent away from heaven.

2.   After the fall of the Roman Empire, the confrontation of man with the realities of the time necessitated the preservation of the knowledge and thus, the question “how old is man?” remained unanswered for more than 1000 years, a period we refer to as the “Dark Ages”. The holy books and scripts were read out to people as the true knowledge and no one contested them, to a point where the true age of the man was answered trough the calculation present in the Holy Books, without any need for inquiring any further the matter, possibly by the fear that the true answer would destroy the credibility of the Holy Books and thus the religious institution which based its foundation.    

3.   HOW OLD is the man according to the Bible?

If we go back 500 years, we come to the time of martin Luther (born in 1483), and Colombus, who sailed the Atlantic in 1492.

If we go back 1000 years, we come to the time of Leif Ericson, a Christian Explorer who preached Christ to pagans.

If we go back 2000 years, we come to the birth of Jesus Christ. The Western calendar is dated from His birth.

If we go back 3000 years, we come to the time of David and Solomon; they ruled Israel about 1000 B.C.

If we go back 4000 years, we come to the time of Abraham (2000 B.C.), the ancestor of Arabs and Jews.

If we go back 5000 years, we come to the time of Enoch, who walked with God 300 years and God took him into Heaven.

If we go back 6000 years, we come to the time of Creation, and Adam and Eve (4000 B.C.). Luke, evangelist and historian, records Adam as the first man (Luke 3:38).

The man is about 6000 years old. Let the people of the God rejoice in Him who made them! (Psalm 149:2)

III.          Conservatives, Materialists and Scientists: How old is the man?

1.   People prefer to limit themselves to what is already known and they try to find the answers in the Holy Books by accepting them as the absolute truth on any matter relating to the man. Thus, when wondering about the age of man, they rely on the simple arithmetic calculations postulated in the Holy Book without questioning it. At this point, the inquiry on the matter seems to be pointless though some scientist are able to separate religion and science in their real world and thus be able to provide an answer to the question. But, when Charles Darwin stated that the man’s origin was an ape like creature and later the science proved the theory as to be right, many conservatives tried to refute the thesis by attacking it strongly through the Holy Book and thus tried to bring an answer to the question “how old is man” by simply substituting the essence of science with the metaphysical element of the matter, thus bypassing the issue through ignoring the reality in order to implement the old point of view. This way, they solved the mystery of the question “how old is man” by eluding any possible inquiry of the believers in faith.

2.         When criticizing with the religion, the materialists state that, by its very nature, the religion refutes the existence of the man as the predecessor of the ape like creatures (hominids) and replace it by a false vision of the man’s age, fabricated on the basis of the old school which has very limited depth as to knowledge itself which was limited to common things such as stars and natural events. The advent of the agriculture forced man to adopt a hierarchal organization, placing the state and the priesthood at the top. The duo wrote the rules of ruling the ancient society and thus kept the monopoly of the knowledge at hand for thousands of years, which in turn permitted the preservation of the social dilemma where men were subjected to the duality of bad and good, set in the interests of the ruling class. To avoid any questioning of the set order, written Holy Books were declared as responding to everything unknown in the name of God and the State backed it up, thus preventing any inquiry as to the age of man, among other matters. The advent of scientific development refuted this situation with the Renaissance and the matter became a major topic of the Materialists who were in quest of the answer as to the age of the man, among other questions which still remain unanswered.

3.   Interestingly, the scientist, mainly anthropologist, came up with an answer this question: man is older than what the Holy Books stipulate. With the passage of time, the man’s knowledge developed and forced its way through and joined partially the materialists’ point of view where science and materialism converge on the meaning of life and the origin of the man, both of which provide a justified answer as to the age of man. While early man differ from the ape by the fact that he is a bipedal hominid and is able to speak (a sign of developed intelligence),  the dynamic behind the concept is sound and is opposed to the Holy Book which postulates the Adam theory as stated above. But there’s a point that one must not forget: science is dynamic while the Holy Book is static.


We have currently entered into the second decade of the 21st century and with the rapid development of science in many fields, the answer to the question “how old is man?” has been a major event. The development in genetics and biochemistry has opened new ways in the quest of the answer while the Holy Books and the religion itself remained stoic; they represent a three dimensional aspect of the man which is static by its nature and is in total contrast with the science which, in turn, represents a four dimensional aspect of the man. Motion outpaces immobility and the anthropology provides the answer: the man is 7 million years old…

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